Tiger Shroff starrer ‘Baaghi 3’ hit the screens last Friday and opened to a good response with Rs 17.50 crore nett. However on its second day at the box office the film registered a drop in collections. According to the latest report on Boxofficeindia.com, the film raked in Rs 15.5-16 crore nett range on Saturday. Mass centres were expected to dive, however major multiplexes also registered a drop of 5%, which otherwise should have gone up.
from Latest Entertainment News, Movies News, Celebrity News, Breaking News | Entertainment - Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/bollywood/box-office/baaghi-3-box-office-collection-day-2-tiger-shroffs-action-drama-records-a-drop-with-rs-16-crore/articleshow/74533766.cms
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